Thursday, November 5, 2015

Busy? Pshh

I made it! I'm a Bevan! I'm my best friend's wife! While it is impossible for me to describe how happy I am, I can describe some things that have happened the past couple weeks. The wedding went smoothly (mostly.... Except my wedding band... And a little mishap with the flowers... But GOD IS GOOD and I wouldn't change a single detail about that day) it was a day filled with love, family, and fun, and I will cherish every moment of it forever. The reception was fun as well... And if you would have asked me prior to the wedding if silento's "watch me (whip/nae nae)" would play, I would have laughed and said no, but that would have made me a liar, and shockingly it is one of my favorite memories (though there are VERY many). The honeymoon was amazing as well, and all completely spontaneous! Very little was planned, and that gave it that adventurous feeling I love! We started out in Shasta at an adorable little inn (right next to an awesome coffee shop 😍) and the next day we drove up to Oregon,   checked out the Shakespeare festival, and that same day we drove down to crescent city and stayed there for a couple nights. We went to the aquarium (which I LOVED) and went swimming in the ocean (Ethan teases me because apparently he doesn't consider what I did to be "swimming" but in my defense it was a really windy day and the waves were coming in nice... ;-) ) and after that we went to the redwoods and took a bungalow up through them. While we were on the bungalow I mentioned without giving it much thought that Disneyland & universal studios sounded fun and within the next hour we were on our way down to L.A.! We spent 1 day in universal (and our entire boat got stuck on the jarassic park ride :-) ) and 2 days in Disneyland. Saturday came a little too quick for both of us but at the same time we were ready to be back home to rest and unpack. He went back to work and I've been learning how to cook... (Side story... I asked him if he could pick up some garlic bread on his way home from work and his response was "yeah sure thing!" Then he got this puzzled look on his face and asked; "where is garlic bread sold?" ;-) it was adorable.) and everything has been going great! I'm so thankful for everyone's help with everything, it has been such a blessing to us. I'm beyond happy to be married to my best friend. I'm excited to have our first HOUSE next month (though I love our little apartment too) and I'm ready to be done moving for a while ;-) that about covers everything! Ill be posting again hopefully soon. 

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