Friday, November 13, 2015

Saphora and Paul Mitchell academy

I'm not sure how to start this blog entry off because I don't know what I want to say first. I'm just excited about this all and am hoping it goes somewhere. I've always been really into makeup, and hair and everything that has to do with it. I was never so good at it because I wasn't able to expirament around with it too much because it's an expensive habit and so on. But now that I'm older and can play around with it some more, I've found it to be one of my favorite things to do. SO, after much thought and prayer, Ethan and I have discussed some options for me. Basically we have to wait for all of this moving business to be done and somewhat well behind us, but I'm seriously looking at attending Paul Mitchell Academy and getting my cosmetology license! I've already applied at saphora for a position that I could get right now too, and it looks like the odds of me getting hired are very good. It was always something I've thought about doing but I was more concerned with jobs that were closer to nursing or counseling or something that helps people but I quickly realized that makeup artists/ advisors and hair stylists help people too. They help people to love themselves. To feel sexy and cute and beautiful and I think that is SO important, especially since I KNOW how hard it is to let go of your insecurities and really not only accept but to embrace who you are and how you look. If I can put my art on somebody and send them home loving the way they look, completely boosting their confidence, then I could only see myself absolutely adoring my job. So as of right now I'm waiting to hear back from saphora, and I've got an interview at the Paul Mitchell academy and a tour of the campus next Wednesday and I'm just praying that God guides my ways and shows me where he wants me. Right now I believe it would be my best opportunity, because time and money wise, I'm not sure if I could complete a 4-6 year course to become a teacher just for 1 or 2 years before Ethan and I have kids. But I know God will put me on the path that is right for me and he'll provide, like he always does :-) 
Anyways that's just a little update on what's going on with me, in other news, not a whole lot has been going on. Ethan has been doing well at work, and we've just been... Hanging out I guess. We've got a couple holiday events coming up that I'm looking forward to and we're just preparing things and getting ready to move again. So right now our life isn't so crazy, it is however, so wonderful ;-) I'll try to keep the blog updated with everything and I'll probably be posting a bunch of wedding pictures and stuff here soon! 

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