Saturday, October 3, 2015


I've been a little caught up in other things, which is why I haven't posted in a little while. Moving, sickness, wedding plans, among other things; but I have a cool story for y'all tonight ;) 
So Ethan and I went to our first concert together yesterday, (his first concert all together) and it had several Christian artists that we really like, including one of our absolute favorites (David Crowder) and the whole night was just a blast. Everything was awesome, and after the concert was over, Ethan and I decided to stay a couple minutes later to let the auditorium clear out a little before we left. Now; him and I did not have VIP passes so we couldn't stay long because everyone with their passes was getting in line to meet crowder, and we were thinking, man... We should have bought some. So as soon as we stood up, these 2 guys came up behind us and asked if we had VIP tickets, and when they found out we didn't, they offered us theirs because they had somewhere else they needed to be, so gratefully, we accepted, a little shocked at God's hand on that ;) 
Before I go into this next part, I need to explain a little bit. Earlier on in the day, there was a couple outside of the church where the concert was held, and they had kissed each other right when Crowder stepped off his tour van, and he teased them and said "why don't you just marry her?" So the guy got down on one knee (after crowder already walked inside) and proposed to her right there and then went inside to see the concert (awwwwh right?) 
Now... Ethan and I are standing in line, and this couple is right in front of us, and they go up and meet crowder and explain to him what happened, and said to him: hey... We know you're ordained, since you're what made us get engaged today, will you marry us tonight? 
And the smile that came across Crowder, and Ethan and I, and everyone else in line who heard what was going on was of pure happiness. We all watched in giddiness and excitement, wondering if Crowder would accept the proposal, all the while, Ethan and I are looking at each other, and we can see we're both thinking the same thing "hey... We're engaged.... Why not get 'married' by Crowder as well?" 
David wound up giving them marriage counseling and told them to wait to the side while he finishes up his meet and greet, and they'll talk afterwards. 
Ethan and I are up next, and we're excited about meeting him, and we get our picture and everything, and after we're done, we decide to wait to the side, and just have a nice little chat with him after he was finished. 
We stay and watch while he meets with the other couple, who had decided it would be smarter for them to wait to have their families around and to be dressed for the occasion of a wedding and all that jazz, and so he prays over them, and after that his security guards said in a firm way that it was time for him to get to bed, so Ethan and I didn't get a chance to talk with him about it or anything, and we walked away a little bummed but still excited about the opportunity we got to meet him. 
When we get outside though... Guess who we run into? None other than David Crowder! We explain to him our situation and how we're getting married next month, and asked him if he would bless the marraige. He said absolutely, and then asked if he could pray over us, and we eagerly accepted, after he finished we got to talk for a few minutes, and he left us off with the advice of "it'll be hard, but it'll be gorgeous! God bless you guys" 
And as we left that night we of course were excited about the fact that David Crowder just blessed our marraige and prayed over us, but we also left thinking of all the advice he gave us and everything he mentioned during his prayer, and it was just, so very neat to us. The entire concert was such a blessing and we were in a daze the whole night abut what had happened and how it went down, and David Crowder is definitely such a cool man. It'll definitely be a fun story to tell in the years to come 😊 (left to right: Crowder, Ethan, me, and Lauren daigle who was another artist we got to meet) 

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