Thursday, September 24, 2015

Catch up!

Back in July, I packed up all of my belongings, hopped on a plane, and moved to a place I had never stepped foot in, 1,700 miles away from the place I had called home my entire life. No job. No relatives. Only person i knew was my boyfriend. The night I arrived, Ethan took me to the myriad botanical gardens, got down on one knee; and asked me to be his wife. With tears in my eyes, I said yes. We will be married on October 24th of this year, and I couldn't be more excited. A week after I got here, I scored a job at a great 50's style diner a few blocks away from my house. Working there has been a blast, and has been a great opportunity to make some good friends. Ethan and I went on some pretty cool adventures, including our first baseball game, a horse carriage ride through brick town, and the Oklahoma City zoo, to list a few. 3 weeks ago we found the church that we will be attending during our time in Oklahoma, and have made some wonderful friends there as well. The past few months have definitely been a blast, and I'm so grateful to be spending it with my best friend. 

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