Monday, February 1, 2016


Just a quick update today, since I feel like I haven't posted in a while... I mean... there hasn't been much to post lately.
One thing that is really exciting is I'm FINALLY starting to go after my dream of becoming a nurse. It's been decided, and I've been accepted into Francis Tuttle, to get my CNA license. As of right now I'm on the waiting list to start in March, but if I'm too far down on the list I won't start until November. I'm extremely excited about this, because I've wanted to be a nurse since I was 14. My freshman year of high school I started off on a good track towards that. I had a huge plan of getting my CNA at 16, and starting my LVN course at 18, I got on honor roll both semesters. I had a goal, and I was focused on reaching it... and then stuff happened, and my grades tanked, and my plan got pushed back, and soon, was changed completely. Then I had a plan of going to Oregon for college. Get my CNA in california through a community college, and then, go up to Southern Oregon University for my LVN, and RN-BSN, and soon after I toured that campus I made a huge life decision, of moving away... like... away, away. After I made that decision, I made another big decision. Not to try for nursing. I was devastated, and I was disappointed in myself, because I thought I messed everything up, because I messed up in highschool. I was moving away from any schools I thought I had a chance of being accepted in, and I just thought it was God telling me that this wasn't the right timing, or it may not even be his plan for me after all. It seemed like after I made that sad decision, the question arose more often, of what my plan was. I had a few different things I was thinking of... online college, studying psychology. Getting a teaching degree... Getting a cosmetology license; but the answer I always wanted to say so badly: nursing. Why do I want to become a nurse? I can list off so many reasons. The first one being my dad. There was a brief period of time where I got to take care of him, after he had a surgery on his foot. Both him, and the home health care nurses said I should go for nursing, and that it would be something I would be good at. The other big reason is I want to help people. I want to not only take care of them, but I want to be a comfort to them.
How did I come to the decision of trying for nursing again? I have an amazing husband. One day... right after my interview with Paul Mitchell academy, he asked me in a joking kind of way (we actually used to ask each other this question often) what I wanted to be when I grew up. I looked at him and asked if he wanted the honest answer, and he said of course. I told him I still really wanted to go after nursing, and he literally looked at me smiled, and said "I know." That caught me off guard. For several weeks after that he was encouraging me to go after it, to do what made me happy, and as I've said before; I'm stubborn. In my mind, it was unreachable for me, but Ethan always told me otherwise. I started calling colleges while he was at work, looking for somewhere that offered a good CNA program, and finally happened upon Francis Tuttle. When I told him, he was so happy, and told me he would help in any way. People: I am so lucky to have this man standing by me, and supporting me in any decision I make. He knows just how to encourage me. He helped me study for the math portion of my entrance exam (because I hate math, and he loves it) and I passed it! Francis Tuttle got my application, had me meet with a counselor, and I got accepted! It seems so unreal to me that I actually get to do this... I'll be wearing scrubs in (hopefully) about 5-6 weeks, and getting my license in about 7 months! Which also means I'll be working as a CNA in about 7 months!
Other news... There's really not a whole lot going on right now. I had my first bridal show this month and it went really well. I'm now in the production part of my job... it'll be interesting balancing school, work, and wife during that time, but it'll all work out.
No more hospital visits... so thats a good thing ;-)
I've got a friend coming up to visit us in May and we're really excited about that!
And, that's about it for this update. I'll be posting again soon! :)

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