Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Animal ER

Well, today wins. I'm ready to throw in the towel and sleep it all off, with a hope of a better tomorrow. Am I being dramatic? Maybe a little bit... But, I'm exhausted and my nerves are shattered. This post gets better I promise. 
As everyone pretty much knows, we're moving out of our apartment and into our first house right now. Tonight is our first night in the new place, and we've been super busy packing and cleaning and getting everything ready, on top of balancing work, and volunteer stuff and everything else. So today in particular was even more so busy. Well, today also happened to be our first emergency. A picture frame that we had bought with a cute little "welcome to our home" picture inside of it was broken, so I threw it away, not knowing that in 6 hours that little picture frame would throw us into this huge panic. As the trash was being taken out, chief got excited, thinking maybe it was his time to go for a walk... Without a leash... And so in trying to escape, he squeezed himself between the door and the trash bag and stopped a few feet from the door. Immediately I'm thinking "that's not like chief... He usually tries to keep running..." And so Ethan walks over to catch him and I hear him say "oh gosh" and in my head maybe chief is limping or there's some huge bug that the dog is interested in or something like that, so I head out there to see what's going on, and I just see this big gash on chief's side and blood pouring out of it. Ethan immediately grabbed some paper towels and put pressure on it, tossed me the keys and told me to drive to the pet hospital, the entire way I'm quietly crying and I feel shakey (yeah I don't do well with this stuff... That puppy is my baby, I can't stand seeing him in pain) and the car ride felt like it took forever, (also today happened to be the grand opening of raising canes a block away from our old apartment which is where we were so we had to get through traffic because of that *rolls eyes*) and when we get there they find a shard of glass still in his side, which terrified me because that means... There's more. They tell us he needs to go in for immediate surgery to see if there are more fragments in him, and they need to stitch him up, so they need to sedate him. They sent us home for the night and told us they would call us with an update when he's out of surgery. I just got a call from them 10 minutes ago, saying he's out of surgery, and awake. He seems to be doing fine, that; yes, there was a few pieces of glass still in him, but he should heal perfectly fine. There were no puncture wounds in any organs but he did have some damage in his muscle on his back leg, he just needs to take it really easy for a little while which... Oh boy, chief taking it easy? 1) he's chief... He doesn't know what it means to be calm, 2) he's a 10 month old puppy... He's always hyper, so we'll see how that goes. I'll be keeping him laying down a lot for a while for the wound to close, and taking it slow to regain that muscle, but in the end he turns out to be doing just fine. I just feel so horrible for it happening. Praise God it wasn't worse. I definitely feel a little more at ease knowing that he is and will be okay. 

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